söndag 19 februari 2012

The end, and the beginning of something new

Outside the train window a snow clad landscape rushes by. In a couple of weeks I will exchange this for something completely different. I will be heading towards Central America. To be honest, I am still not sure what awaits me there.

Last Friday I quit my previous job and said good-bye to my colleges. It is always hard to let go – to end something that is good in many ways and to bid farewell. But this phase is more about a beginning than an end, because every end unavoidably means the start of something new.

Tomorrow I start my training to become a peace observer. There are many admirable people in the world who risk their lives in the pursuit of justice, in the pursuit of defending the human rights of themselves and of others.

People who are too outspoken, people who are too uncomfortable in their criticism get harassed, intimidated, abducted and murdered. Silenced when trying to make a difference. They should not have to fear for their lives for speaking out against injustice, but sadly they do. My part is to dissuade abuse by being present and, should it occur, make sure that the abuse is reported. Hopefully, this will contribute to giving these people the peace that they need to act.